Since 2015, we have been dedicated to making an impact.
Let’s follow our dreams together.
An Individual
In 2000, Michael Jared Rollins-Jones came into the world as a bundle of joyous energy that touched everyone around him. Quickly, he developed passions for animal-related philanthropy, biological science, and the performing arts. He enjoyed seeing Mary Poppins and Shrek: The Musical on Broadway, singing-along while watching High School Musical and Camp Rock, and participating in a litany of different theater organizations.
In 2014, he began his freshman year at Heritage High, a school with a renowned drama program in his home state of Georgia. He became the first freshman in the school’s history to land a lead role (Pugsley, in The Addams Family). Sadly, in April of 2015, he passed away due to a doctor’s negligence of the intricacies of his disease.
An Inspiration
Throughout Jared’s life, he endured numerous visits to the hospital due to his crises induced by his sickle cell disease. The disease served as an extra obstacles to his schooling and involvement in the arts. Still, his resilience was evident; as his mother always told him, he has the disease, the disease does not have him. Jared continued to follow his pursuit of his passions despite the pain, providing us with more motivation to help children and young adults who face similar barriers in following their interests.
An Initiative
Recently we officially became a 501c3 organization! Here’s a quick overview of some goals we want to accomplish by 2023’s end:
Establish DREAM fund to aid minors experiencing hardship
Create scholarship for hematology students
Design pamphlets on best nutrition practices for those with SCD
Build community via outreach on Twitter/Instagram
Prepare our first annual report!